Monday, 20 February 2012

The endocrine system consists of endocrine glands, which send chemical signals like hormones. Hormones must travel through the blood stream à target tissue à effects.
ADH (anti-diuretic hormone): Pituitary gland à Collecting duct à Encourages kidney tubules to reabsorb more water into the blood.
Adrenaline: Adrenal glands (on top of kidneys) [This is released in times of excitement, anger, fright or stress, and prepares the body for a fight] à Heart à Increase in heart rate. Other effects may include: increased depth of breathing and breathing rate, increased sweating, hair standing on end (making furry animals look larger), glucose released from liver and muscles, dilated pupils and finally, paling of the skin as blood is redirected to muscles.
Insulin: Pancreas à Liver à Reduce blood sugar level (glucose is converted to glycogen and stored in the liver. People with diabetes mellitus cannot make enough hormone insulin.
Glucagon: Pancreas à Liver à Increase blood sugar level
Testosterone: Testes à Testes à Sperm cells mature + secondary sexual characteristics of men
Progesterone: Corpus lutuem (empty follicle, doesn’t occur until after ovulation) à keeps the lining of the uterus in position
Oestrogen: The pituitary gland produces FSH, which controls oestrogen production in the ovaries. Ovaries à Lining of the uterus à Build up the lining of the uterus + Secondary characteristics of women
Communication using nerves vs hormones

- Fast
- Electrical impulses
- Travel through nerves
- Impulses only last a short time

- (Relatively) slow
- Chemical messengers
- Travel through bloodstream
- Effects last longer

Friday, 17 February 2012

Section 5a

Section 5: Use of biological resources
a) Food production
b) Selective breeding
c) Genetic modification
d) Cloning

a) Food production
Crop plants
5.1 describe how glasshouses and polythene tunnels can be used to increase the yield of certain crops
Polythene tunnels
- Keep frost off
- Stops water loss
- Avoid direct effect of sunshine
- Heat doesn’t escape

5.2 understand the effects on crop yield of increased carbon dioxide and increased temperature in glasshouses
- Increase the concentration of carbon dioxide (Substrate), photosynthesis rate increases, higher crop yield up to a point (greatest yield of product)
- Increasing temperature: at first increases the reaction, then hits the peak (optimal temperature), and drops
- Using glasshouses advantages: Avoid frost damage, provide constant temperature – contributes to yield

5.3 understand the use of fertiliser to increase crop yield
You apply fertilisers to the soil to promote growth of plants. They take the form of nitrates (for proteins), phosphates (DNA, membrane structure) or both. They are taken up by the root structure and then to the leaf.

Fertilisers: organic & artificial
Organic: produced from animal wastes on farms (cow faeces collected by farmers à decomposition / fermentation à slurry applied to fields)
Artificial: chemicals, synthetically produced (potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, bought by the farmer à go into solution in the soil water à release nitrates à same)

5.4 understand the reasons for pest control and the advantages and disadvantages of using pesticides and biological control with crop plants
Monoculture is susceptible to pests; they use crop as their own food source. This reduces the productivity of farming. To overcome this, you may use pesticides; chemicals designed to kill the pests.
- Easy to obtain
- Easy to apply
- Very effective
- Toxic
- Kill other plants and animals, possibly humans
- Bio accumulation: pesticide builds up through the food chains e.g. DDT
- Mutation leads to resistance (higher concentration or alternative pesticides needed)

Introducing an alien species from another country that eat the pests away.
- No toxic chemicals involved
- Less impact on man/ wildlife
- Not 100% effective. It is difficult to control: introduced species are likely to find alternative prey and don’t die out after removal of pests.
- Difficult to match a predator to the prey (can’t find suitable animals to remove pests)

5.5 understand the role of yeast in the production of beer
Beer is made out of ethanol, which is produced from the fermentation of yeast. Yeast supplies the enzymes to bring about this conversion. Ethanol is flavoured by flowers such as hops. Glucose comes from starch (Barley seeds, wheat seeds, rice). The process of starch converting into maltose with the help of amylase is called malting.

5.6 describe a simple experiment to investigate carbon dioxide production by yeast, in different conditions

5.7 understand the role of bacteria (Lactobacillus) in the production of yoghurt
Milk is produced from cow. It first goes through pasteurisation (heat treatment to kill off any pathogens in the milk). Incubating the milk sugars (lactose) at 45 - 46°C with the help of lactobacillus produces the enzymes that break down lactose into lactic acid. This creates acidic conditions, encouraging the milk proteins to solidify. The product of this solidification is yoghurt.

Fruit Yoghurt
1) Raw milk is heated to 90°C for 30 minutes.
- Kill bacteria. Pasteurise
2) The milk is cooled to 40°C and bacteria is added
- Added bacteria not killed or denatured.
3) The mixture is kept at 40°C for several hours until yoghurt is made.
- Optimum for enzymes. For bacteria to reproduce, Enough time for yoghurt to be made
4) Fruit is sterilised and added to the yoghurt
- kill remove bacteria so yoghurt is not spoilt or contaminated.

5.8 interpret and label a diagram of an industrial fermenter and explain the need to provide suitable conditions in the fermenter, including aseptic precautions, nutrients, optimum temperature and pH, oxygenation and agitation, for the growth of microorganisms
The fermenter is made of copper or steel. There is another layer inside to form a cooling jacket (it contains water). The reaction will produce heat, therefore, needs to be cooled off to maintain optimal conditions. The fermenter will need to be cleaned. There is a pipe that sends steam into the fermenter. It sterilises the fermenter between fermentation. There is a heater within the fermenter to raise the temperature. The heater and the cooling jacket together produce the optimal temperature. The fermenter also requires nutrients for the microorganisms (pipe). A temperature probe is required to monitor the temperature to deploy the heater and the cooling jacket. The reaction will require additional microorganisms and the heater. It also requires a pH probe to maintain the optimal pH. One needs to be able to stir the mixture using a motor. By agitating the mixture, it will stop them from clomping. Overall, the fermenter is a reaction centre where we control the optimum growth conditions for the microorganisms. Finally, we need a way to drain off the product that will be sent for downstream processing (involves purification).
Aseptic Precautions: to avoid contamination and production of unwanted by-products
Optimum temperature – to allow for maximum yield since microorganisms are very sensitive to changes
pH – microorganisms are very sensitive to changes in pH and effect the metabolic processes so acid or alkali is added as needed
Oxygenation – needed for aerobic respiration
Agitation / Stirring – paddles (impeller) or jets of air are used to stir the culture medium to prevent microorganisms settling and maintaining an even concentration of nutrients, even temperature.

Fish farming
5.9 explain the methods which are used to farm large numbers of fish to provide a source of protein, including maintenance of water quality, control of intraspecific and interspecific predation, control of disease, removal of waste products, quality and frequency of feeding and the use of selective breeding.
Fish farming is very good. Fish are low in fat, but high in protein. They are also efficient at turning their nutrients into fish mass. Fish farming will allow us to control the quality of water, control predators and reduce pests / diseases. We contribute to an increase in yield of fish. However, high density of fish increases chances of transmission of disease. So fish farmers may use antibiotics. 

 b) Selective breeding
5.10 understand that plants with desired characteristics can be developed by selective breeding

5.11 understand that animals with desired characteristics can be developed by selective breeding.
For example: ANIMAL – cow, DESIRED CHARACTERISTIC: milk yield
Various cows produce different amounts of milk. (50.100.150 à breed 150’s à 100.150.200 à and so on). By breeding the highest milk producing cows, we develop the desired characteristics by selective breeding. This works under the condition that milk yield is genetic.

c) Genetic modification (genetic engineering)
5.12 describe the use of restriction enzymes to cut DNA at specific sites and ligase enzymes to join pieces of DNA together
Restriction enzymes are able to cut the DNA at specific locations. The location identified by ATA. It is an important tool in biotechnology. DNA ligase enzymes join DNA.

5.13 describe how plasmids and viruses can act as vectors, which take up pieces of DNA, then insert this recombinant DNA into other cells
Plasmids are found in bacterial cells. They are a ring of DNA and are very small and don’t carry many genes. Virus contains a protein shell known as capsid, with a nucleic acid inside containing DNA or RNA. It has no other cellular components. The human chromosome is made of DNA.

We need to identify the gene that codes for the protein insulin (blood sugar level control). Restriction enzymes are selected to cut the DNA. Cut the plasmid with the exact same restriction enzyme. The ring structure in now broken and the insulin protein can be inserted. So human gene is inserted in plasmid and then DNA ligase is added to join the DNA. The combination of human gene and plasmid is known as a recombinant DNA.

 Recombinant DNA needs to be transferred into the host cell via the virus. We remove the nucleic acid from the virus because we just want the capsid protein shell. The plasmids are taken up by the virus to form vector of recombinant DNA. This helps us transfer it into our host cell.
The type of virus used here is known as phage. It infects bacterial cells because the virus is able to attach to the cell membrane of the bacteria and insert the Recombinant DNA into our host cell. In the end, we have a bacterial cell with recombinant DNA plus its own DNA. This combination is known as transgenic. (5.16)

5.14 understand that large amounts of human insulin can be manufactured from genetically modified bacteria that are grown in a fermenter
Mutated bacterial cells injected into the fermenter along with nutrients (amino acids). Temperature, pH and gas control are compulsory. The optimal condition will result in population increase. Bacteria will be manufactured, producing more protein insulin. It is necessary to remove the product and carry out purification. There are many processes to purify for human use: downstream processing. Genetically engineered human insulin are called humulin.

5.15 evaluate the potential for using genetically modified plants to improve food production (illustrated by plants with improved resistance to pests)
Maize is damaged by the larvae of European cork borer (20% loss of crop yield). Bacteria known as BT exist. They have genes that release BT toxin when turned on. This is known to kill the cork borer larvae. By going through the steps introduced in previous objectives, you can take restriction enzymes to the genes of BT (the toxin). If you transfer these to the cells of maize plants, maize cells not have the BT genes that kill larvae. This gives maize resistance to the damage caused by the cork borer. However, it is difficult to do so. There is a method called ‘gene gon’. Tiny particles of gold are coated in BT genes. They are fired at the plant cells at high velocity to let the plant cells get the gene.

5.16 recall that the term ‘transgenic’ means the transfer of genetic material from one species to a different species.
Transgenic: transfer of genetic material from one species to a different species.
e.g. 5.13 bacterial cell of bacterial DNA + plasmids with human insulin gene
e.g. 5.15 Maize DNA + BT gene (toxin to kill larvae pests)

d) Cloning
5.17 describe the process of micropropagation (tissue culture) in which small pieces of plants (explants) are grown in vitro using nutrient media
When a plant which has characteristics that we consider desirable (commercial characteristics), we want it reproduced. Sexual reproduction will produce different plants to the parents due to genetic variation (à loss of qualities). So we use a cloning technique called micropropagation.

We can cut parts from the shoots or the roots and cut them in aseptic conditions (no contaminations). They are cut into small parts and then transferred into a petri dish containing nutrient agar. This will contain minerals that support the growth of tissue, rooting compounds and other plant hormones to encourage the growth of each of the small parts. Each will then be grown on into a seedling. Since many clones are made, they are genetically identical with the same characteristics.

5.18 understand how micropropagation can be used to produce commercial quantities of identical plants (clones) with desirable characteristics

5.19 describe the stages in the production of cloned mammals involving the introduction of a diploid nucleus from a mature cell into an enucleated egg cell, illustrated by Dolly the sheep
Dolly the sheep & original (clones)
1)     Obtain genetic info from animal 1.
2)     Remove diploid cell where the nucleus contains all the genetic information needed to make animal 1.
3)     Animal 2 is treated with hormones like FSH (superovulation). They are encouraged to produce eggs because egg cells tend to divide.
4)     We don’t want the genetic information of the egg cell, so we take the nucleus out (enucleated)
5)     We fuse the cells (from animal 1 and egg cell from animal 2).
6)     Cell division takes place through mitosis, which ends up as blastula (embryonic sheep).
7)     The embryo is put in surrogate mother (animal 3).
8)     It grows into a fetus and this was how Dolly was made.
9)     Dolly the sheep is identical to animal 1 despite the age difference.

5.20 evaluate the potential for using cloned transgenic animals, for example to produce commercial quantities of human antibodies or organs for transplantation.
Cloned transgenic animals (genetically identical with 2 different DNAs mixed) can be used for commercial production of antibodies. Human antibodies can be collected by cow milk on a large commercial scale.
1)     Obtain an egg cell from cow 1 and remove the cow antibody production gene.
2)     Take a cell from a human and use restriction enzyme to remove a gene associated with antibody production.
3)     Add human gene to the cow egg cell.
4)     The cow cell is developed by mitosis to form the clone of cells and an embryo.
5)     The embryo is transferred to a surrogate cow mother.
6)     Genetically identical calves will be produced. They will produce milk containing human antibodies.

Sunday, 5 February 2012


2.89 understand the sources, roles and effects of the following hormones: ADH, adrenaline, insulin, testosterone, progesterone and oestrogen.
ADH: The pituitary gland produces ADH, anti-diuretic hormone. It causes the kidney tubules to reabsorb more water into the blood.
Adrenaline: The adrenal glands produce adrenaline. This is released in times of excitement, anger, fright or stress, and prepares the body for a fight. The effects are increased heart rate, increased depth of breathing and breathing rate, increased sweating, hair standing on end (making furry animals look larger), glucose released from liver and muscles, dilated pupils and finally, paling of the skin as blood is redirected to muscles.
Insulin: The pancreas secretes insulin and glucagon. Insulin controls the level of glucose in the blood and it helps maintain a steady blood glucose level. Glucagon has the opposite effect of insulin where stored glycogen (stored in the liver) is converted into glucose and released into the blood. People with diabetes mellitus cannot make enough hormone insulin.
Testosterone: It is secreted from the testes. Testosterones cause secondary sexual characteristics in boys.
Progesterone: The ovaries produce progesterone. It combined with oestrogen controls the menstrual cycle.
Oestrogen: The pituitary gland produces FSH, which controls oestrogen production in the ovaries. The ovaries produce oestrogen. It is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics in girls. 


2.88 describe the role of the skin in temperature regulation, with reference to sweating, vasoconstriction and vasodilation
To maintain even temperature in the body, the skin goes through changes. Temperature control is a good example of negative feedback. In a negative feedback system, any change will make the system respond in a way that minimises the change.

When it is too cold
- Vasoconstriction: blood capillaries in the skin become narrower so they carry less blood close to the surface. Heat is kept inside the body.
- Sweating is reduced
- Hair erection: muscles make the hairs stand up to trap a layer of air as insulation
- Shivering: the muscle action of shivering releases extra heat from the increased respiration.
- A layer of fat under the skin acts as insulation.

When it is too hot
- Vasodilation: blood capillaries in the skin widen so they carry more blood close to the surface. Heat is transferred from the blood to the skin by conduction, then to the environment by radiation.
- Sweating takes place because heat gets evaporated.
- Hairs lay flat so less air is trapped.
- No shivering. 


2.87 understand the function of the eye in focusing near and distant objects, and in responding to changes in light intensity
Rays of light from distant objects are almost parallel when they enter the eye. They require less bending. Muscles in the ciliary body relax and the lens is made thinner by the suspensory ligaments for focussing power.

Rays of light from near objects are already diverging when they enter the eye. They need much more powerful refraction to bend them to a focus on the retina. Ciliary muscles contract and the lens swells to a more rounded shape. This makes it more powerful and the rays are bent more to achieve a focussed image on the retina. 

In bright lights, the circular muscles contract and radial muscles relax, making the pupil smaller. The reverse happens in dim light.


2.86 describe the structure and function of the eye as a receptor
- The eye is the receptor that detects light.
- The ciliary muscles contract or relax to alter the shape of the lens.
- The cornea bends light rays and let them focus on the retina. It does most of the bending of the light.
- The iris controls the amount of light entering by controlling the size of the pupil. It contains of circular and radial muscles.
- The lens provides fine focus to sharpen the image.
- The humour is a clear jelly that fills the inside of the eye to provide shape. 
The retina contains light-sensitive receptor cells of rods and cones.
They change the light à electrical impulses.
- Rods are sensitive in dim light, but can only sense black and white.
- Cones are sensitive in bright light and they detect colour.
- Sclera is a protective, tough outer layer.
- Suspensory ligaments hold the lens in position.
- Optic nerve carries electrical impulses to the brain. 

Sunday, 29 January 2012

2.83 - 2.85

2.83 recall that the central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord and is linked to sense organs by nerves

Sensory Neurone
2.84 understand that stimulation of receptors in the sense organs sends electrical impulses along nerves into and out of the central nervous system, resulting in rapid responses
Cells are wrapped around the axon (schuann cells). This takes place all the way down the sensory axons and motor axons.

Signals are sent through the nervous system in the form of electro-chemical impulses. Sensory neurones (nerve cells) carry signals to the CNS. Motor neurones send out information from the brain, controlling how the body responds. Relay neurones connect other neurones together.

The axons are covered with myelin sheath. This makes the transfer of information faster because they jump down the nodes of Ranvier. Myelination takes place in sensory and motor neurons, which increases speed of conduction.

The myelin sheaths are white matter. The ends that are not covered in myelin are known as the grey matter. The relay neuron is grey. Grey matter is where nerves come together and make connections (synapse). Grey matter has lateral input while white matter has vertical input (up and down the nerves – nerve cells that are myelinated).

Learning a new skill – e.g. golf, piano
Repeat the same action à Reinforce pathways by myelinating it à Other pathways disappear, the nervous system is restructured à sleep à your brain develops myelinated sheath and modifies etc.

2.85 describe the structure and functioning of a simple reflex arc illustrated by the withdrawal of a finger from a hot object
The simplest type of response is a reflex. Reflexes are rapid, automatic responses to a specific stimulus that often protects you e.g. blinking, sneezing, withdrawing finger from fire.

VOLUNTARY Stimuli à Receptor à Co-ordinator (CNS – goes through the brain, 12 cranial nerves enter the brain) à Effector à Response
INVOLUNTARY Reflex – Stimuli à Receptor (fingertip) à Sensory neuron à Coordinator (CNS – spine) à Motor neuron à Effector (muscles) à Response (movement)

Reflexes are there to protect you from damage. You want to minimise the reaction time as much as possible. The information goes to the spine. The sensory neuron is directly connected to relay nerve which is connected to the motor nerve. Since it is a fixed decision, whether it goes through the brain or not, the output will be the same. 


2.82 describe how responses can be controlled by nervous or by hormonal communication and understand the differences between the two systems

The nervous system collects information about changes inside and outside the body, decides how the body should respond and controls that response. Hormones are chemical messengers made in endocrine glands. They are secreted directly into the blood to be carried around the body in the blood plasma. Most hormones several parts of the bodies while others only affect one, which is called the target organ.

The changes caused by hormones are usually slower and longer-lasting than the changes brought by the nervous system. 


2.78 Understand that a coordinated response requires a stimulus, a receptor and an effector

2.77 - more

2.77 Understand that homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment and that body water content and body temperature are both examples of homeostasis
Homeostasis: conditions are kept the same
Homeothermic organisms carry out thermoregulation where they maintain the same temperature no matter what the environmental temperature is. This is important because the body wants to be kept at an optimum tempreature for the highest rate of enzyme reactions.

Control of body temperature
Negative feedback loop – maintaining constant conditions
Stimuli (temperature of the body, more blood) à Receptor (hypothalamus in brain) à Co-ordinator (fixed point, e.g. 37°C) à Effector (skin) à Response (increase or decrease in body temperature) à Feedback à Stimuli

1) If the body temperature increases, hypothalamus responds and decreases body temperature. This is done through sweating, increase in blood flow to the surface, vasodilation (blood vessels dilate). They increase the exchange of heat e.g. radiation and evaporation. The body returns to normal level of temperature.
2) In a cold environment, the body temperature will fall. This feeds to the hypothalamus, which increases body temperature (shivering, vasoconstriction, hairs raised). The blood is forced to travel deeper and reduces foreign heat exchange. Temperature will go up and down.

Sweat glands and the capillary network are responsible for body temperature control. Efficiency is determined by the deviation between the raised/ lowered temperature and the fixed point.
Osmoregulation: Regulation of body water (plasma and tissue fluid) content
Stimuli (blood) à Receptor (hypothalamus) à Effector (kidneys, collecting duct) à Response (filtered blood) à Stimuli (NEGATIVE FEEDFBACK LOOP)

1) If blood becomes more concentrated (hypertonic), hypothalamus brings the concentration of blood back down to the isotonic point. This is done by ADH, which targets the collecting duct. The effect is the reabsoprtion of water into blood plasma.
2) If blood becomes more diluted (hypotonic), hypothalamus brings the concentration of blood back up to the isotonic point. Thi sis done by the inbition of ADH. This puts more water into the urine so it bceoms more dilute. We have reduced reabsoprtion of water.