Tuesday 5 April 2011

Lily VS Grass

Adaptation: structure enables function, efficiency
- Sepals à Petals à Stamen à Carpel

- Plants invest to produce more pollens
- Risky reproduction strategy
- Feathery stigma à large surface area
- Pollens: large surface area, light, wing like features
- The grass is not investing energy in making nectarine guide lines and scent. Save energy

- Plants invest to attract insects:
  - The lines in the petals that bees can see: nectarine guide
- Scent: chemical travels to bring the bee to the flower
- Sepals mutated to look like petals à greater chance of attracting more insects (bright, colourful, we are assuming that insects see colour)

Vector for pollination is the wind, insects…etc
Water, bird, animals,

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