Wednesday 21 September 2011


3.18 recall the meaning of the terms: dominant, recessive, homozygous, heterozygous, phenotype, genotype and codominance
Phenotype: what we can see, all possible outcomes, red and white petals
Red x Red = Red, White x White = White, Red x White = Red
Dominant: red R
Recessive: white r
Genotype: combination of 2 alleles, the sum total of genes transmitted from parent to offspring
Homozygous: having identical alleles at corresponding chromosomal loci, same alleles RR (red) or rr (white)
Heterozygous: having dissimilar alleles at corresponding chromosomal loci, different alleles Rr (red)
R (dominant) and r (recessive) are alleles.
Codominance: where both parents’ alleles contribute into producing an unusual third phenotype
B – blue petals, genotype BB
W white petals, genotype WW
B x W = yellow petals, unusual third phenotype BW – CODOMINANCE
B = W both contribute to the phenotype

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