Tuesday 13 September 2011


3.9 recall the structure and function of the male and female reproductive systems
Female reproductive organ
Ovary – (a) meiosis occurs here and production of eggs (female gametes)
Oviducts (fallopian tube) – (b) carry eggs to the uterus, location of fertilisation
Uterus – (c) the centre, wall of uterus, made of muscle,
stretch to accommodate pregnancy, contract during birth
Lining of uterus – (g) develops the fertilised egg à embryo, placenta implanted here
Uterus space – (d) sperm cells and egg cells move, embryo develops à unborn child
Cervix – (e) entrance to the uterus
Vagina – (f) collects the sperm cells and allows them to pass through the cervix into the uterus
Before pregnancy, the uterus is no bigger than an orange, but after pregnancy it EXPANDS. 

1 comment:

  1. important that you include diagrams which are a big feature of Biology examinations
